The Challenge
The Challenge

Heng Hiap Industries (HHI) partnered with frog to make the ambitious goal of reaching 100% plastic net neutrality in Malaysia a reality. However, they faced challenges on two fronts – from Consumers and Recyclable Collectors.

Firstly, consumers were not recycling enough because they were unmotivated, found it inconvenient or did not know how to recycle properly.

Secondly, recyclable collectors were not efficiently increasing their plastic yield collection from households, factories, shipyards and offices.

Heng Hiap Industries (HHI) partnered with frog to make the ambitious goal of reaching 100% plastic net neutrality in Malaysia a reality. However, they faced challenges on two fronts – from Consumers and Recyclable Collectors.

Firstly, consumers were not recycling enough because they were unmotivated, found it inconvenient or did not know how to recycle properly.

Secondly, recyclable collectors were not efficiently increasing their plastic yield collection from households, factories, shipyards and offices.

How Might We...
How Might We...

Create an app that is seamless, fuss-free and valuable in motivating both the consumers and recyclable collectors to actively lead a sustainable lifestyle?

Create an app that is seamless, fuss-free and valuable in motivating both the consumers and recyclable collectors to actively lead a sustainable lifestyle?

The Approach
The Approach

We've identified two primary customer personas: Conscientious Consumers and Recyclable Collectors.

The team has established four design principles—rewarding, convenient, transparent, and educational—to guide the app's development.

From these customer personas and design principles, the concept of an 'uberised' smart recycling app emerged. Beyond simplifying recycling for consumers, our goal is to seamlessly onboard existing and new recyclable collectors within our green community.

We've identified two primary customer personas: Conscientious Consumers and Recyclable Collectors.

The team has established four design principles—rewarding, convenient, transparent, and educational—to guide the app's development.

From these customer personas and design principles, the concept of an 'uberised' smart recycling app emerged. Beyond simplifying recycling for consumers, our goal is to seamlessly onboard existing and new recyclable collectors within our green community.

Conscientious Consumers

Click on each of the tabs below to view the features

Arrange a Pick-up Anytime, Anywhere

Consumers can simply schedule an ad-hoc recyclable pick-up within fingertips from their home, restaurants or offices.

Recycle & Be Rewarded

Learn From The Knowledge Library

Know Your Impact

Conscientious Consumers

Click on the dropdown below to view the features

Consumers can simply schedule an ad-hoc recyclable pick-up within fingertips from their home, restaurants or offices.

Arrange a Pick-up Anytime, Anywhere

Conscientious Consumers

Click on the dropdown below to view the features

Consumers can simply schedule an ad-hoc recyclable pick-up within fingertips from their home, restaurants or offices.

Arrange a Pick-up Anytime, Anywhere

Recyclable Collectors

Click on each of the tabs below to view the features

Easily Find Available Jobs

Simply browse and accept jobs through our intuitive collector’s dashboard! Filter through pick-up locations and collectors will only be shown jobs which fit their vehicle’s pick-up weight limit.

Drop-off The Recyclables and Receive Your Earnings

Track Your Earnings, Pick-ups & Contributions

Recyclable Collectors

Click on the dropdown below to view the features

Easily Find Available Jobs

Simply browse and accept jobs through our intuitive collector’s dashboard! Filter through pick-up locations and collectors will only be shown jobs which fit their vehicle’s pick-up weight limit.

Recyclable Collectors

Click on the dropdown below to view the features

Easily Find Available Jobs

Simply browse and accept jobs through our intuitive collector’s dashboard! Filter through pick-up locations and collectors will only be shown jobs which fit their vehicle’s pick-up weight limit.

The Outcome
The Outcome

We are thrilled to have successfully developed an MVP of a green-living app for a better and sustainable future. The uberisation component of the app meant that consumers could order a recyclable pick-up anytime, anywhere, all with the click of a button. To further entice users to maintain this lifestyle, we rewarded users for their contributions.

On the opposite spectrum, collectors needs were addressed by improving upon the collectors existing ways of working by allowing new users to easily sign up to become a collector. This combination of consumer and collector functionalities made it a one-stop app for an entire sustainable ecosystem.

We are thrilled to have successfully developed an MVP of a green-living app for a better and sustainable future. The uberisation component of the app meant that consumers could order a recyclable pick-up anytime, anywhere, all with the click of a button. To further entice users to maintain this lifestyle, we rewarded users for their contributions.

On the opposite spectrum, collectors needs were addressed by improving upon the collectors existing ways of working by allowing new users to easily sign up to become a collector. This combination of consumer and collector functionalities made it a one-stop app for an entire sustainable ecosystem.

Key Takeaways
Key Takeaways

As this was my first commercial UX project, I invested a good amount of time mastering the iOS design fundamentals. This ensured a quicker implementation by the technical team, avoiding/ reducing the need to construct customised components from scratch.

As this was my first commercial UX project, I invested a good amount of time mastering the iOS design fundamentals. This ensured a quicker implementation by the technical team, avoiding/ reducing the need to construct customised components from scratch.


Collaborated closely with all stakeholders to optimise the user experience for both online and offline interactions, catering to diverse user groups, including consumers, collectors, and recycling yard owners.

Collaborated closely with all stakeholders to optimise the user experience for both online and offline interactions, catering to diverse user groups, including consumers, collectors, and recycling yard owners.


Localisation of app features for the Malaysia market (e.g. Waze, Duitnow, Touch ‘n Go).

Localisation of app features for the Malaysia market (e.g. Waze, Duitnow, Touch ‘n Go).


Gaining insights into technical logics and limitations from a developer's perspective informed my design decisions, ensuring practical implementation feasibility.

Gaining insights into technical logics and limitations from a developer's perspective informed my design decisions, ensuring practical implementation feasibility.

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